Oh big alpacas

That is what we say in Norway when we get surprised, only it sounds like this: Å du store alpakka!

In the autumn of 2020, I sew some more plushies to sell for Christmas. Just like I did in 2019 but the difference was that I was selling at a Christmas marked. In 2020 I tried to sell all the plushies I made by using Facebook. I almost sold everything, and that was a great surprise!

But there is one left and that is an alpaca plushy.

This cutie was so fun to make. It is big and soft, and the funny thing is that you can make hats, scarfs and bow for it. Something that I have not done…yet. I did put a simple bow on it with a bell to make it more of a Christmas plushy.

This pattern is from TeacupLion, and she have so many cute patterns and I have tried a few more that I really want to show. But I am most happy with the alpaca pattern, it was the simplest for me to make, and also more typical plush to make for my interest.

I am planning on using this week to post more about the plushies I have made, to catch up a little bit. Then I will start posting more clothes related, hopefully mid-January.

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