Sewing project that did not work


I do have many great ideas when it comes to designing and sewing clothes, but sometimes it does not really look good or it does not fit like I thougt it would.

  1. This top is not even finished, but I realized that this top was too big for me and the mix of stretch fabric and non stretch did not work out as I hoped because I did not adjust the pattern based on the fabrics I chose. It was the stretch that made it too big, but it was a good idea… I think?
  2. This jacket was a nice design but it did not look good on me. The sleeves are too big and I really did dislike that. Also it was somehow thight too… But the jacket was on my school fashion show, so it did get its five minutes of fame and love before I gave this jacket away.
  3. I don’t have much to say about this one but the fabric was really bad to work with. It did not have a good texture and the fabric did not like to be ironed.
  4. This top looked very promising as I was sewing it, earlier this year and I even used real vintage buttons on it to give it more of a vintage feel (also I learned more about how to sew buttons on a top)But when I sewed the edges something went wrong, and no matter how much I tried to fix it or iron the edges, it kept on making weird waves. So I gave up!
  5. This jacket was actually nice made and the only thing that went wrong is the size, since I could not do anything more about it, I gave it away to someone else.
  6. This is just a simpel cardigan I made with some “stylish” sleeves. I chose to not keep it, because I think the cardigan was a bit too weird made. I just made this pattern by mixing other patterns and just going “crazy” with it.

This was just a little post about some sewing project I have been doing this year (some of them was made last year).

I am writing this post just to show you that I do have some bad sewing days too, and I do learn from these mistakes. Some of the mistakes comes from using wrong/bad fabric, wrong sizes, not understanding the patterns I am using and not knowing so much about the fabric I am using. Also economy can be the reason why some of the projects does not work out.


12 thoughts on “Sewing project that did not work

  1. Love the examples of error; it’s always a good reminder that we all make mistakes in our crafts. We just got to keep going!

    Also, if it makes you feel any better about having bad sewing projects – I can guarantee you these still came out a million times better than I could have done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s nice to see your blooper reel! Well done you for sharing, people who are just beginning to make their own clothes will draw comfort from your bloopers if they find things tough going. I’m also a great believer in learning from your mistakes and by identifying your mistakes you can only improve. I do like reading your blog posts, my mother was a machinist and would make our clothes when we were small, it’s something I’ve tried and now studiously avoid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for nice comment! I am glad that this post might help beginners to see some blooper from sewing. 😉
      It makes me so happy to hear that you like reading my blog! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think it’s really brave of you to show projects that didn’t work, we all have those stashed away in the back of the closet. The most important thing is to learn from them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is importen to learn from your own mistakes, and sometimes the mistakes can actually give you inspirations on what you should do on your next projects! 😉


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