The goals I had in 2023

Now we are back here again to write about the goals I had in 2023.

The goals I had was:

  1. Create a list of what I need for new projects
  2. Make and follow a budget plan
  3. Dare to adjust, “hack”, etc. patterns to fit my sketches and ideas, also to fit my body
  4. Take it slow, no need to rush to finish a project
  5. Learn new sewing techniques
  6. It is okay to find other hobbies to do than sewing…

Now let’s start with the first one.

I must say that I wrote a list of what I was planning to sew, and sometimes I wrote what materials I needed for the projects, but honestly I did not manage to keep it after I wrote a project list in June. Might be because we moved in July and it took a few months to get used to it.

I tried to write it again in November and December but I did only do half of them or changed the plan.

The second one.

I had a budget for each month, and I did manage to follow them but when August came, I struggled with keeping my budget. In the first month I sold some of the clothes I had sewn last year and this, so I do not feel too bad about it, but I have to learn to keep a much tighter budget next year.

The third one.

I think I dared to adjust or “hack” patterns to fit my ideas this year, and even if some of them was a bit weird, I am happy I mixed patterns and drew some pattern details, etc.

The fourth one is more like a reminder to not rush through all the projects I want to do. Of course, I rushed but I started to learn to relax and enjoy sewing more when autumn came.

The fifth one.

I am not sure if I learned any new techniques this year, but I do feel like I learned to use zigzag seams and other seams on my machine much more than I did before. Also learning more about how fabrics works and what kind of seams I need to use to make it look nice.

The last goal was to accept that it is okay to do other hobbies than sewing. Just to answer if I did other hobbies this year, yes kind of. I did make some jewelry’s again, and taking care of a dog is a whole hobby by itself.

When it comes to personal goals, that was more long time goals rather than a goal for the year, I can proudly write that my two biggest wishes and goals did happen this year. Buying an apartment with my boyfriend, which has been a goal for a few years, and I managed to save money to achieve this goal in 2023. We bought a nice apartment, where I got my own sewing room.

The other goal or a wish that I have had for about 20 years was to get my own dog. Yes, sometimes it takes time, a few years ago I did not want a dog or any animal because I was too depressed to think that I could take care of it or afraid that my pet would get sick and have a short life. However, the last few years I know that I have been feeling ready to get the dog I wanted, and in September I found my new little friend.

The puppy has helped me get a routine and to go outside much more. Nevertheless, those three months with my puppy have been a challenge when it comes to training, socializing and to create a stable routine, but that is just normal with puppies. I hope that it will get easier when we have done some more training and to create a better routine.

There are some old goals I still want to have in 2024, but I will write about that in another post.

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